What is Independence Day for Business Owners?

Business owners and entrepreneurs of all types, including those that own a professional practice, typically have an incredible ‘dependence’ relationship. When you first start a business, it is of a certain necessity that everything depends on your input and direction, while often a business was spawned on a desire on the part of the business owner to pursue a specific field of business. Whether it was a passion for air conditioning, practice law, or operated chain of restaurants, the business owner quickly finds that it is up to him/her to manage a host of activities that may have nothing to do with their passion. They become the chief financial officer, HR person, purchasing agent, marketing director, and more. We have seen where, frequently, entrepreneurs have an innate skill in many of these areas, but that as their business grows, they no longer have the time and, in some cases, the necessary expertise to fulfill all these functions effectively.

So, it might be time to declare your independence and consider bringing in professional staff or professional organizations to assume some of these responsibilities. Not declaring your independence from some of these burdens can become the most significant impediment to growth, and/or equally important personal satisfaction in running your business. Many entrepreneurs over time bring in a variety of vendors to assist them, but sometimes fail to hire a company who can manage the process, assist in setting goals, and measure the effectiveness of that activity. I'm not an expert in many of these areas of business, however, the Customer Focused Marketing Group, as a team, provides the marketing expertise to help entrepreneurial clients to be free to meet their goals and aspirations.


We devote a significant amount of time to make sure we understand not just the marketing goals, but the overall goals of the business, and develop an in-depth understanding of how the business or practice functions. We do this to ensure that the business owner feels comfortable with the fact that relinquishing control of the day-to-day marketing responsibilities does not reduce their ability to maintain control. It's our responsibility to investigate, evaluate, and recommend so that the owner can make an informed decision or provide the necessary approval.

This process frees the business owner to devote more energy and time to other facets of the business, while maintaining confidence that all marketing avenues are being critically evaluated and pursued based on their goals and directions.