Category Archives: Marketing News & Notes

Cliff's Notes

I Purchased, Therefore You Must Care

In the competitive business environment that all businesses currently live in, it is more important than ever that they care about those who might or actually do purchase their products or services. It is imperative to show consumers that you care whether it be before, during, or after they conduct business with your company. Caring…
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Is Your Business Doing “Mushroom Marketing”?

Most people have heard the expression about treating someone like a mushroom, which means you keep them in the dark and feed them a lot of BS. While mushroom marketing is much the same whether intentional or not, frequently business owners are in the dark about what their marketing is really doing and there are…
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Marketing to Human Beings

I recently came across a quote from Jonah Sachs: "Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have." There's no greater challenge that all marketers face in the businesses that they serve than understanding their consumers as complete human beings. Nothing will give you insight into the depth and…
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What is Independence Day for Business Owners?

Business owners and entrepreneurs of all types, including those that own a professional practice, typically have an incredible ‘dependence’ relationship. When you first start a business, it is of a certain necessity that everything depends on your input and direction, while often a business was spawned on a desire on the part of the business…
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