Category Archives: Marketing News & Notes

Cliff's Notes

Direct Mail, Not Junk Mail, Still Works

As a matter of full disclosure, I should state at the onset that I am not a proponent of extensive use of direct mail. I do believe, however, it is one of the tools in your marketing toolbox that can, in very specific situations, be cost effective. First, let me give you my definition of…
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Good Marketing Partners Sometimes Disagree

Arguing in respectful and appropriate ways can be a sign of a healthy and effective partnering relationship. Anyone who has ever had a business partner knows you're not always going to agree. In fact, some of the most effective partnerships are between individuals who have vastly different opinions, but who work through their differences with…
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To Mobile Or Not To Mobile??

Mobile is the 800 pound marketing gorilla. It is neither breaking news nor a marketing revelation that the importance of SmartPhones as a marketing tool has grown exponentially. For many advertisers, these facts are overlooked in the budgeting and the marketing plans for more traditional advertisers. I've always had an affinity for the saying "Just…
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Value is Measured by Attention

I read a recent post on Twitter from Mitch Joel with the following excerpt from the book "Let the Elephants Run: Unlock Your Creativity and Change Everything" authored by David Usher: "Today, value is measured by attention". This excerpt from the book seems to sum up the state of today's marketing environment. There are a…
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