Category Archives: Marketing News & Notes

Cliff's Notes

Assumption Marketing is Dangerous

There are certain phrases that I have seen commonly used by car dealers and other businesses, which is a great example of a dangerous assumption. It’s usually some version of “Experience the Difference”. There are several aspects of this that, in my opinion, are dangerous and lack focus. Here are just a few of the…
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The Worst Question a Salesperson or Vendor Can Ask

If you accept the premise that the questions a salesperson or vendor asks a prospect indicates the focus of their business and their commitment to helping their clients then the worst question you could ask is: “What’s your budget?” Here is a partial list of the terrible things that question says about you and your…
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Focused Marketing is More Critical in a Distracted World

Focus has always been an important aspect of effective advertising and marketing. However, the exponential growth of media channels, devices and social media have made cutting through the clutter and distractions of everyday life much more difficult. This is more than the old issue of how many thousands of impressions every consumer is exposed to…
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