Category Archives: Marketing News & Notes

Cliff's Notes

Are You a Business Who is Afraid of Focus?

In having worked with many entrepreneurial businesses, I have encountered a “fear of focus” on key customers based on a desire to have a broader market from which to draw revenue. In very formal terms, this is often spoken about as a “vertical market”. For purposes of our discussion, we'll talk about a vertical market…
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Big Audience But No Bang

News flash: Mobile is HUGE! Actually that's not news at all. It's been happening for a while and is continuing. What the marketing challenge is, is that it has a big audience, but it is very difficult to have a big marketing bang. We can start with the obvious issue of ad blockers. But it's…
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What You’re Seeing on the Screen is NOT a Customer

In today's "data” driven marketing world, there is the temptation to confuse “data points” with an actual reflection of the customer or the voice of the customer. Data can be extremely helpful in getting a better understanding of the behavior of your customers and can contribute to constructing a more complete picture of your customer…
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